Gestión de Datos

MCMA-2006 Data Management

The intensive month-long MILAGRO campaign conducted in March 2006 includes the participation of over 400 Mexican, US and other international researchers and generated large amount of data sets. 

In order to encourage rapid dissemination of the scientific results, to uphold the rights of the individual scientists and to ensure that all involved researchers are treated equitably, all participants are requested to follow the Data Policy and Management Plan developed by the MILAGRO team.   For your information, we have posted the English version and the Spanish translation below:

MILAGRO Data Policy and Management Plan.doc

September 1, 2006:  Deadline for the submission of preliminary data.

In addition to the data archive on the NCAR Community Data Portal, a complete set of the raw data and quality-assured data generated from the MCMA-2006 campaign will be provided to our program archive at MCE2.  The data will be made available to the field campaign participants after initial quality assurance and validation.   There will be a secure FTP server available for the submission of data. Login details will be available from Jared Morante, our Data Manager at MCE2.

For the submission of the preliminary data due on September 1st, we encourage the data provider to convert their raw data into NARSTO format, following the instructions listed in the NARSTO webpage:

Data Validation:

The current plan is to have the Data Validation performed "in-house" at the Molina Center. This will reduce the turn around time for data submission and QA/QC and streamline the process as well. Further details on this aspect of the Data Management will be forthcoming and updated on this page.

If you need assistance in converting the data, please contact Jared Morante .  Please provide the header information listed in the NARSTO webpage:
See NARSTO Template at Home Page.