
WMO Session on “Guide for Integrated Urban Weather, Environment and Climate Services (IUWECS)”

Parallel Sessions Theme 2, Shep BL, Tuesday, March 6, 2018, 11:00-12:30

The Integrated Urban Weather, Environment and Climate Services (IUWECS) is a new initiative from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) that seeks to provide science-based integrated urban services supporting safe, healthy and resilient cities. As part of that initiative, a Guide for IUWECS is being developed. The CitiesIPCC conference provides an excellent opportunity to present and receive feedback from attendees on the guide because the conference falls within the period for open community review.

The intent of the IUWECS Guide is to document the best available knowledge, technologies and practices for producing and providing the relevant services that cities require to respond to the hazards posed by climate change. Such services include a combination of dense observation networks, high-resolution forecasts, multi-hazard early warning systems, and climate services. These services should assist cities in setting and implementing mitigation and adaptation strategies, which will enable the building of resilient and thriving cities that promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Guide also plans to include a multidisciplinary approach to better serve the social-economic needs of urban areas, and identify the required partnerships to establish and sustain urban services, including research, city governments, international organizations, and private sector stakeholders.

The session presentations will provide an introduction to IUWECS and share cities’ different local foci and practical experiences. Feedback will be obtained from participants on desired services, products and requirements for developing effective multidisciplinary partnerships among urban/city governments with meteorological and other key agencies.

Session Agenda

Welcome and Introduction:  Prof. James Voogt, President of International Association for Urban Climate (IAUC)

Introduction to the IUWECS (15 min): Prof. Alexander Baklanov, WMO

'The City-Know-How' (10 min for each demonstration city): Share cities' different local foci and spotlight on real practical experiences
Discussions (25 min): Moderator: Prof. James Voogt, President of IAUC